Space City Charities
Space City Charities is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that was established in part by Space City Credit Union in 2009. The mission of Space City Charities is to help others achieve their dreams through financial literacy and furthering their education. The primary method we use to achieve this goal is by providing scholarships to deserving students in and around the Houston area. The main source of funding for these scholarships is the Annual Wolf Scholarship Golf Classic.
The Annual Wolf Scholarship Golf Classic was established in 2010 to honor Verna Wolf who served on the board of Space City Credit Union for 40 years (1965 – 2005). Mrs. Wolf passed in 2016, and this golf tournament continues to honor her dedication to the credit union movement and the philosophy of "people helping people." To date, Space City Charities has awarded over $337,350 in scholarships to deserving students.
Please click here to get information on this year's tournament.
For information regarding donation requests and tournament participation, please contact our Marketing Department via email at Marketing@SpaceCityCU.com.
Learn more about the story behind Space City Charities.
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